Affiliate Policy Disclosure

This is a personal blog that exists for the purpose of providing information on the difficult subject of female hair loss. However, we want to ensure transparency and honesty in our content.

Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the biggest brands, including Amazon, use it. We use affiliate links as a way to help us support the running of this blog. So when you visit the website, please note that we may receive commissions or incentives from products or services mentioned or linked within our articles.

However, this does not affect our content’s integrity. Where possible we will have direct experience of products suggested but any reviews or recommendations are NOT always based on our own experiences with the products suggested. We aim to provide valuable information and resources but we are not responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided.

For any specific financial, medical, legal, or psychological advice, we will always recommend consulting a professional in the respective field.

We will always attempt to make it clear which links are affiliate links, but you should assume that any links to products or services are affiliate links and do your own due diligence before making any purchase.


Thank you for your trust and support.